2013年9月20日 星期五

outsourcing shredding services

 The buying of shredders has its advantages and disadvantages. And the same thing also goes with hiring shredding services providers. But these services' advantages are far more important compared to buying the machines.

When you do not want other people to take a look at your very confidential papers, you can choose to feed them to the shredder on your own. So by owning your own shredder, you will also have the peace of mind because you will always be able to witness the entire process. But this advantage of buying shredders is only chosen by people who don't trust others to do it.

On the other hand, if you are not one of those people, you can choose hiring services for document shredding. These services offer different advantages to business owners and homeowners.

Business owners can cut down their operational costs when outsourcing shredding services. This is because the purchase of office shredders entails a lot of costs. The purchase itself is costly. If you prefer the high-quality shredders, you would have to pay more. Also, the bigger your business is, the more shredders you have to buy. Most of these machines consume electricity to run; thus, you would have to pay for higher electricity consumption. The employment of a shredder expert is also a must when you purchase these machines. If not, your employees would use the machines without the knowledge needed in the usage of shredders; this may result to damaged shredders. You also have to pay for the maintenance, replacements of the parts, and repair of the damaged shredders.

Another problem with these shredders is their size. These machines are really bulky and having them in the office is not space-efficient. Hiring services for shredding your confidential and unnecessary documents in the office is more practical.

The shredding of documents became the option for homeowners when burning of paper was banned in some states. The traditional way of disposing documents using garbage bags being dumped along the alleys are no longer an option because of the alarming increase of identity theft cases. These thieves normally steal personal information of their victims from dumpsters. They would use this stolen information in the commission of crimes.

The operational costs and the bulkiness of the shredders are also your concern. Also, it is time-consuming. The time you used for the shredding of your documents can be exchanged with the time for rest, recreation, family bonding or household chores. Also, shredders can cause injuries to your kids or pets. As a solution, manufacturers of these machines added safety-ensuring features to their products. As a customer, you have the burden to look for these safety-ensuring features.

